Sunday, August 30, 2015

A response to 'My So-Called Opinions'

Historically, young people have been criticized for their opinions and their actions. From the restrictive Victorian laws preventing women from riding bicycles, to the condemnation of free-thinking "hippies" in the 60s and 70s, this narrative has constantly plagued our youth. Indecision is simply today's criticism for our youth. In my opinion, 'Pluralism' as Zachary Fine defines it, is a natural continuation of cultural critique coming after centuries of colonialism, and war, coupled with a stronger, more politically conscious class of young people. I would personally rather revel in this "indecision" than champion opinions that are totally devoid of context. Moreover, I can neither agree nor disagree with Fine's article until I engage in a thorough discussion about his race, gender, and socio-economic background.

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