Monday, October 5, 2015

Handwash 4.


Oh, Honey Honey.

Access to nutritious foods for all levels of society has always been an important issue in my mind, but this article shed light on certain numbers that really shocked me. Less than .5% of agricultural subsidies go to fruit and vegetables in this country, a number that wreaks of corruption and hypocrisy. Although not touched upon in this article, I wonder how much the processed food and big pharmaceutical companies are in cahoots. In the tax payers mind, the better the diet of the average American is, the less medical care they will need. But, things like insulin and blood pressure medication are in the end a product to make a profit off of.

Politics aside, the tactics used by these "food" corporations are jarring when taken out of context. The advertising, full of vague claims, bright colors, and emotional imagery is just as sugary sweet and the products they're selling. But with the slightest bit of analysis these facades come tumbling down. However, the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on this advertising creates this contexts and reinforces these walls.